Dancer Mental Wellness

Worksheet Packet

Danscend worksheets guide dancers through learning about, reflecting on, and creating healthier practices around mental wellness in their dance journey.

Worksheet packets of 10 address the following topics:

✏️ The Importance of Training Your Mind

✏️ Dance and Your Identity

✏️ Reframing Negative Self-Talk

✏️ Improving Body Image

✏️ Understanding Perfectionism

✏️ Creating a Practice of Self-Reflection

✏️ Fostering Healthy Competition

✏️ Moving Through Rejection and Failure

✏️ Creating Healthier Mental Habits

✏️ Coping with Stress

Each two-page printable PDF worksheet includes:

  • Understandable information on the topic gathered from peer-reviewed research
  • Examples of dancers encountering these topics inside and outside the studio
  • Practical exercises for application of this information to dancers' everyday lives

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